Unser Arbeitseinsatz im April
Der Arbeitseinsatz fand am 29.4.2023 bei schönem Wetter statt
Es fanden sich zahlreiche Vereinsmitglieder ein, um z.B. dem Vereinshaus einen Frühjahrsputz zu verpassen. Das Umland wurde von Unrat befreit und der Container mit Abfällen gefüllt.
Weiterlesen: Arbeitseinsatz April 2023

This is a sample blog posting.
If you log in to the site (the Administrator Login link is on the very bottom of this page) you will be able to edit it and all of the other existing articles. You will also be able to create a new article and make other changes to the site.
As you add and modify articles you will see how your site changes and also how you can customise it in various ways.
Go ahead, you can't break it.

Your home page is set to display the four most recent articles from the blog category in a column. Then there are links to the next two oldest articles. You can change those numbers by editing the content options settings in the blog tab in your site administrator. There is a link to your site administrator if you are logged in.
If you want to have your blog post broken into two parts, an introduction and then a full length separate page, use the Read More span to insert a break.
Weiterlesen: About your home page